Kaokoland is a safari destination for the truly adventurous. The vast and sparsely populated landscape is punctuated by dry river beds, drought-hardy grass plains, and scattered kopjes that spring up at random as if flung from the nearby mountain ranges. The Kunene River runs through the very north of the region to form a natural border between Namibia and Angola, while to the south the seasonal Hoanib River divides the area from Damaraland. Discover the wonders of a Kaokoland, Namibia safari with Ker & Downey.

This part of Namibia appeals to real road adventurers and those who want to drink in total silence, solitude, and stars. Those who investigate Kaokoland tours and destinations are often looking for the road less travelled, off the beaten track, a bit of rugged camping and tough driving. The places that present a bit of a challenge are the most pristine, and that is certainly true for Kaokoland. This is where you’ll meet desert elephants congregating in the dappled shade; see the sweeping grass plains and fairy circles of Marienfluss; the rugged mountains of Puros; Kunene’s Epupa Falls; and the notorious Van Zyl’s Pass.

The north is known as Kaokoland and the south as Damaraland. Although these administrative divisions fell away after Namibian independence the colloquial demarcations have persisted. Kaokoland is a succession of hills and mountains punctuated by endless plains. This isolated rugged region is home to the nomadic Himba pastoralists who have remained unchanged for many generations. The attraction of Kaokoland lies in its wild and uncharted valleys and mountains. It is the most isolated and undeveloped region of this mostly isolated and undeveloped country.

Rugged trails take you through impossible terrain that test the engineering of your vehicle and the skills of your driver. Wading through flash floods or bumping over rocks is all in a day’s work. The Kunene is a perennial river that rises in the highlands of Angola and carves its way along the Namibian border through wild and arid mountains before reaching the Atlantic. The rivercourse is an astonishing contrast of sub-tropical growth amid the rocky outcrops and treeless plains of Kaokoland.

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