According to the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI), Zambia has amended the entry requirements for international travellers. The revised guidelines will apply to all international travellers entering the Points of Entry to Zambia effective 28 March 2022.

Travellers who are fully vaccinated for Covid-19

Travellers who are fully vaccinated for Covid-19 do not require any form of Covid-19 test results but shall be required to provide proof of a full vaccination status.

Travellers who are not fully vaccinated for Covid-19

Travellers who are not fully vaccinated for Covid-19 must show proof of a Covid-19 PCR test for a sample collected within 72 hours before departure from the country of origin.

Re-testing at own cost will be applied for travellers who do not meet the above stipulation

In case of a positive result, self-quarantine at owner’s cost will be mandatory; following local Zambian protocols.

Children below the age of 12 years are exempt from these measures.
Travellers from Zambia must ensure that they observe the guidelies of the countries they wish to visit.

Health Information

The first sentence of this section has to be a disclaimer, no one at Tafika Travel Advisor is qualified to give medical advice. The information that follows is simply designed to give the reader some guidelines and general tips.

Medical insurance and preferably one that includes air evacuation should be regarded as a pre-requisite for any safari holiday.

You are strongly advised to consult your doctor prior to travel and get accurate and up-to-date advice on inoculation requirements, and anti-malarial precautions.

There are currently no specific requirements for visitors to have any inoculations prior to their arrival in Zambia. Yellow Fever vaccination is also not manditory. 

Common medical concerns on safari…

Malaria: is caused by a mosquito borne parasite and is endemic in Zambia. There are many myths about malaria and most people you speak to will have an opinion. One can contract malaria at any time of the year and in virtually any area of Zambia. The best precautions are physical barriers in the early evenings and at night, long trousers and sleeves with a liberal application of repellant will usually do the trick.

The incubation period for the malarial parasite is 12 – 14 days so the time to watch for symptoms is often after you return home. It is important to get treatment very quickly if you’ve contracted malaria so if you develop flu-like symptoms you should have a quick and simple blood test without delay.

It is important to consult your doctor prior to your safari, he will prescribe a course of prophylactics.

The Sun: The African sun can be very strong and sunburn can occur through clouds and even a light T-shirt. A bad sunburn can spoil your safari so be sensible, use cream and wear a hat.

De-Hydration: in a mild form can be fairly common in the hotter months, it is not dangerous so long as you recognize the symptoms and react accordingly. The key is to keep body fluids up by drinking plenty of water. If nausea or vomiting result then medical attention should be sought It would be worth including a couple of packets of re-hydration salts in your holiday medical kit if you have such a thing.

Diarrhoea: is a common problem when traveling anywhere in Africa. You should find that standards of hygiene in all the safari camps booked by Tafika Travel Advisor to be very high but it is not uncommon for individuals to react to a change in diet or water. The best bet is to be sensible about what you eat and drink and bring suitable medication just in case.